Your horse’s teeth allow him to chew feed and forage, show his (approximate) age, and create a bit space for riding. They can also cause ulceration and pain if not well managed. Learn about the latest advances in horse dental care in this live event.

About the Experts:

Lynn A. Caldwell

Dr. Lynn CaldwellLynn Caldwell, DVM, a 1993 graduate of Purdue’s College of Veterinary Medicine, owns Silverton Equine Veterinary Services in Silverton, Oregon. Her professional focus is equine dentistry, and she’s served on the American Associate of Equine Practitioners’ Equine Dentistry Committee as a member and chairperson. She frequently speaks on the subject of equine dental care.

Jack Easley

Dr. Jack EasleyJack Easley, DVM, MS, Dipl. ABVP (Equine), is a private equine practitioner serving the Central Kentucky area. While his practice provides all equine services, his passion of 35 years has been equine dentistry. He lectures and teaches worldwide, contributes to lay horse magazines and journals, and is the co-author of the three editions of the textbook Equine Dentistry.