10 Composting Resources on TheHorse.com
Many horse and farm owners choose to compost their horses' manure and reuse it to fertilize and amend pastures. | Photo: Anne M. Eberhardt/The Horse
The average 1,100 pound horse produces about 9 tons of manure each year. That’s a lot of horse poop that needs some place to go. Many horse and farm owners choose to compost their horses’ manure and reuse it to fertilize and amend pastures, gardens, potted plants, and flower beds. In honor of Composting Day (May 29), we’ve compiled some of our top composting, manure management, and eco-friendly farm management articles available for free on TheHorse.com.

For additional composting and manure management information, visit the “Waste & Manure Management” topic page or search “composting” or “manure management” on TheHorse.com

Fact Sheet: Composting Efficiently managing manure is an important aspect of caring for horses. This free report provides a detailed overview of composting so you can decide if it’s right for your operation. Learn about details from how to choose the right compost location to how to assess the maturity of compost. Download Now

Blog: A 5-Step Guide to Composting Horse Manure If you care for horses on your own property, then you have no doubt wondered about what to do with that huge mound of manure and stall waste generated by your horse. Wonder no more: Follow five easy steps and you’ll find that pile of manure behind your barn will quickly turn into black gold!

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