Mares Choose Genetic Diversity in a Mate
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When it comes to forming couples, do opposites really attract? Or does it boil down to chemistry? New research in Switzerland suggests that, at least for horses, both of these phenomena play into the process of selecting mates. The reactions of mares at different stages of their estrus cycles to various stallions were investigated and compared to the "chemistry"–or more specifically, the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), proteins within a set of genes that are also involved in the immune system–of both the mares and the stallions. What the researchers found was that the more a stallion's MHC varied from her own, the more that mare found him attractive, according to Charles Meuwly, DVM, MSc, researcher for the Swiss National Stud in Avenches and primary author of the study.
Stallions wait in stalls behind blinded walls in an experimental setting where a mare will select a preferred stallion without being able to see him.
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