10 April 2019 | Wayzata, Minnesota  Triple Crown Nutrition is leading the industry in horse nutrition as the first equine-related feed company in America to add ButiPEARL™ Z EQ technology to its Alfa-LoxTM Forage. ButiPEARL Z EQ (Kemin Industries, Des Moines, IA), is an encapsulated source of supplemental butyric acid and zinc, which helps strengthen the intestinal tract of the horse.

Triple Crown’s Alfa-Lox Forage is a fortified forage supplement that utilizes a multiple nutrient-based approach to support normal digestive health. The encapsulation technology in ButiPEARL Z EQ, currently found only in Alfa-Lox Forage, allows for a sustained release of butyric acid and zinc through the upper and lower gut.

The combination of zinc and butyric acid strengthens the lining of the gut, leading to improved nutrient absorption and a stronger barrier against pathogens, parasites and toxins. A healthy gut reduces the likelihood of Leaky Gut Syndrome (LGS). It can also lead to improved performance and well-being.

ButiPEARL Z EQ also contains essential peppermint oils, which offers enhanced aroma and flavor to the forage, and may have a calming effect and an anti-inflammatory benefit on a horses’ intestinal tracts

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