AVA Welcomes New Annual Hendra Booster Vaccine
- Topics: Article, Hendra Virus, Vaccinations
The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) welcomed the announcement that the Hendra virus vaccine has now been approved to be delivered annually following administration of the first two priming doses and a once-off, six-month booster.
Ian Fulton, BVSc, MSc, FACVSc, president of Equine Veterinarians Australia, a special interest group of the AVA, said the group welcomed the change in the booster regime, which will make delivering the vaccine easier for everyone involved.
“Until now, horses were required to have boosters every six months to maintain immunity against the Hendra virus,” he said. “With the annual booster, horse owners can halve the number of boosters required. This is great news and will help to reduce the cost of vaccination to owners.
“The vaccine remains the single most effective way of reducing the risk of Hendra virus infection and decreases the risk of exposure to Hendra virus for horse owners, handlers, and veterinarians,” he said. “Vaccinating horses provides a public health and workplace health and safety benefit
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