Texas Horses Confirmed Positive for EHV-1
Seven horses in Cooke County, Texas, have tested positive for equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) caused by the neuropathogenic form of the virus, a representative from the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) confirmed June 6.
“All seven cases are at the same barn at breeding facility in Cooke County,” Callie Ward, TAHC public information officer, told The Horse. The affected barn houses 40 horses, she added.
Ward said the first case was confirmed on May 24, the second on May 25, and the other five were confirmed on May 26. Two of the cases have exhibited neurologic signs while the remaining five have not.
“The horses will be quarantined for 14 days following the last recorded fever (greater than 101.5$deg;F) if they are subsequently tested PCR negative on a nasal swab,” Ward said. “Alternatively, they may be quarantined for 21 days and released without a test if no further fevers or clinical signs are observed
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