A new course on animal welfare is available as an elective this fall to second-year students at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet). In addition, a two-hour lecture about animal welfare will be included for the first time in the mandatory curriculum for first-year students.

The Introduction to Animal Welfare course, which will meet two hours, once a week, for 12 weeks. This new class will be available to 25 students.

Meghann Pierdon, VMD, Penn Vet lecturer, designed and organized the course with Thomas Parsons, VMD, PhD, associate professor and director of the Swine Teaching and Research Center. Parsons is one of the founding members of the new American College of Animal Welfare and is one of the first swine veterinarians in the U.S. working toward board certification in welfare.

“The goal is to train veterinarians to speak as experts in the area of animal welfare,” Parsons said. “Through this course and through the new board certification, we are trying to create a standard for education and train veterinarians to be leaders in the field of animal welfare

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