Equine Physical Therapy: What Are Your Options?
Exercises such as carrot stretches are often include in equine PT. | Photo: Alexandra Beckstett/The Horse
When your horse suffers from an injury or a condition limiting his comfort, motion, or usefulness, what options do you have to help?

The answer: physical therapy (PT). Maureen Kelleher, DVM, Dipl. ACVS, assistant professor of sports medicine and surgery at Virginia Tech’s Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, presented equine PT options during a webcast the school hosted on Nov. 12, 2020. PT, she said, encompasses a wide variety of methods designed rehabilitate acutely injured tissues or reduce pain from chronic conditions.

Kelleher listed thermotherapy, electrotherapy, exercise therapy, and manual therapy as broad categories that each contain many techniques designed to help your horse return to full function and form

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