Stephen E. O'Grady, DVM, MRCVS

Stephen E. O’Grady, DVM, MRCVS, was a professional farrier for 10 years prior to obtaining his degree in veterinary medicine. He learned farriery through a formal apprenticeship under Hall of Fame farrier Joseph M. Pierce of West Chester, Penn. After graduating from veterinary school, O’Grady did an internship in Capetown, South Africa. Then he joined Dan Flynn, VMD, at Georgetown Equine Hospital in Charlottesville, Va., as an associate for five years. Since that time, he has operated a private practice in Virginia and South Africa, with a large portion of the practice devoted to equine podiatry. He has published numerous articles and lectured extensively on equine foot problems. His web site is””tephen E. O’Grady

Articles by: Stephen E. O'Grady, DVM, MRCVS

Foal With Hoof Problems

Dr. Stephen O’Grady addresses a reader’s question about a foal with a recently developed club foot.

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Barefoot vs. Shod: An Equine Podiatrist’s Perspective

I am often asked about leaving horses barefoot. I must say from the onset that I favor horses being maintained without shoes when possible. Whether or not it is feasible for a horse to go without shoes will depend on the owner’s situation and

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Misplaced Nail

I noticed my farrier put two nails in too high. She won’t put weight on it. How long until it heals?

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Barefoot Horses

Veterinarians are often asked about leaving horses barefoot. I must say from the onset that I favor horses being maintained without shoes when possible. Whether or not it is feasible for a horse to go without shoes will depend on the owners’

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Vet Student/Farrier Courses

The importance of podiatry in equine practice and to the overall well-being (especially soundness) of the horse is well known. Treatment and prevention of lameness involving the distal limb centers around a thorough knowledge of hoof care. Due to

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KTA Sets Meeting for MRLS Loan Applicants

The Kentucky Thoroughbred Association (KTA) will offer a seminar July 25 to assist breeders in filling out loan applications for funding tied to mare reproductive loss syndrome. The money is available through a federal law enacted in

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Foal Hoof Care

Among the many factors that determine the success of a foal as a sales yearling or as a mature athlete are management decisions about its feet and limbs during its first four months of life. Because a solid foundation for performance in the

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