I am often asked about leaving horses barefoot. I must say from the onset that I favor horses being maintained without shoes when possible. Whether or not it is feasible for a horse to go without shoes will depend on the owner’s situation and expectations, as well as many variables that influence the feet. I also feel that horses can be shod in a physiologic manner such that the structures of the foot might change but very minimal damage to the hoof will occur.

Shoes are used for protection when wear of the hoof exceeds growth, for traction (which is often needed in the performance horse for athletic activities), and for therapeutic reasons in order to treat disease or to address limb conformation. One or a combination of the above reasons might dictate the necessity for shoes. Much of the horse industry is involved in the athletic performance of horses and the question arises: “Can this horse compete and perform at its best without shoes?”

As all horses are not created equal, neither are their feet. So when we decide whether a horse can be kept barefoot (and many can’t), many variables have to be considered: the breed of the horse, the hoof conformation, the manner in which the horse is kept, the surface on which it is worked, and, most important, for what purpose the horse is going to be used. It also makes a big difference if the horse has worn shoes previously and for how long, as well as the previous farrier care the animal has received. All of these variables must be considered to determine whether a horse will be a candidate to go without shoes. Many horses can do well without shoes as long as they are not asked to perform.

Horses are much easier to maintain in a barefoot manner if they have never had shoes. The majority of horses’ feet remain healthy until the time they are broke and begin training. During this time a lot of changes to the feet take place.

Once training begins in the horses’ second year, the hoof capsule and its related structures are still immature, the animal is confined more, and it now has a rider placed on its back, which leads to additional weight bearing on the feet. These factors usually lead to excessive wear on the feet and shoes are placed on the feet for protection.

It has been discovered that the horse has receptors in the bottom of its foot and it is speculated that these receptors function in a stimulatory capacity. So the first thing that happens when shoes are applied is that these receptors lose contact with the ground.

Figure 1

Figure 1. The black dot is the widest part of the foot, the red arrows lead to the “pillars” and the blue dotted line is where the toe is beveled with a rasp.

Figure 2

Figure 2 Note the sole callus in this trimmed foot

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Stephen E. O’Grady, DVM, MRCVS, was a professional farrier for 10 years prior to obtaining his degree in veterinary medicine. He learned farriery through a formal apprenticeship under Hall of Fame farrier Joseph M. Pierce of West Chester, Penn. After graduating from veterinary school, O’Grady did an internship in Capetown, South Africa. Then he joined Dan Flynn, VMD, at Georgetown Equine Hospital in Charlottesville, Va., as an associate for five years. Since that time, he has operated a private practice in Virginia and South Africa, with a large portion of the practice devoted to equine podiatry. He has published numerous articles and lectured extensively on equine foot problems. His web site is www.equipodiatry.com.””tephen E. O’Grady

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