Communication With Your Horse


Understanding Horses: Basics #2 and #3

Last month we started talking about the three things every horse needs to know to make his rider happy. My hero, champion reining horse owner and trainer Dick Pieper, told me I had been making the training of my horses way too complicated. “You

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Riding the Better Side of Bucking

Bucking is a misunderstood horse activity. Most people look at bucking as an ornery habit, something the horse does when he’s trying to get out of work. Or when he just doesn’t feel like cooperating at that moment for some reason or another.

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The Therapy Horse: An Integral Player

Therapeutic riding is for people of all ages with various disabilities, and it has become very popular. For horses, however, the invitation is much more re-stricted. There are specialized expectations of a horse used in therapeutic riding. If

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Tips On Natural Horsemanship

Training has come a long way since the days when the term “breaking a horse” could have very well meant just that. Everything from sacking out, a process by which a horse is tied and hobbled before being pummeled with empty burlap bags meant to

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Smart Horse: Understanding the Science of Natural Horsemanship

In horse training we really have two goals: first, to condition (train) the horse to perform a particular action in response to a particular stimulus (cue), and second, to motivate the horse to perform that action each and every time that stimulus is presented.

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It’s In the Attitude

Man has been linked to the horse for centuries, but often in the past, it was more of an adversary relationship than a partnership. In recent years, that has changed for many horse owners. Thanks to the efforts of equine behaviorists at the

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Naturally Parelli

Like most people (including more than 90% of our readers), I use a computer. I can turn it on, perform tasks pertinent to my job, look things up on the Internet, print in various fonts and sizes, and accomplish my assigned tasks with little

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Horse Talk

I was judging the state 4-H team public speaking on equines this morning, and some thoughts popped into my mind. The kids really did a good job–for the most part they had practiced, had done their

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Translating Equine Body Language

Horses have two basic forms of communication–vocal and body language. The more sophisticated of the two by far is body language. With a mere look, a flick of the ears, or a turn of the head, horses can communicate to each other and to us, if we

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The Educated Equestrian

How can you become a better, more informed rider, owner, breeder, manager, groom, conformation judge, health spotter, tack fitter, and just all-around horse person? By allowing yourself the time to learn. Many horse owners take

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