After declaring 2013 the “Year of Colic Prevention,” Equine Guelph has delivered many initiatives to help the horse owner combat colic including the release of its latest online health care tool: The Colic Risk Rater. This free, customized tool is designed for the individual horseperson to rate his/her horse’s risk of colic.

In the final month of this year long campaign, Equine Guelph has posted a free colic prevention tips poster for download at  (under PDF information sheets).

Historically, colic became the horse’s arch nemesis thousands of years ago when humans started taking horses out of their natural environment. The use and management of modern horses are a huge departure from their wild counterparts, placing them at a higher risk of colic.   Horse owners can play a major role in reducing colic risk through management. Owners must be aware of the risk factors.

Education plays such a key role in safeguarding horses. With domestication comes responsibility. Equine Guelph has declared 2014 the year of “Full-Circle-Responsibility” for equine welfare. “Helping Horses for life” has been Equine Guelph’s mandate from day one providing education to horse owners and promoting equine welfare.  As of late welfare concerns for horses have been heightened due to changes in the racing industry

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