Botulism causes shaker foal syndrome in youngsters and severe neurologic disease in adults. Learn how to protect your horses from this invisible, scentless killer as we address more of your botulism questions.

About the Experts:

Allison Stewart

Dr. Allison StewartAllison Stewart BVSc(Hons), MS, Dipl. ACVIM-LAIM, ACVECC, is a professor of equine internal medicine at Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine in Alabama. Her research interests include equine critical care, neonate intensive care, neurology, equine fungal infections, sepsis, deafness and vestibular disease, and ultrasound.

James Little

Dr. James LittleJames Little, DVM, serves as senior technical service veterinarian for Bayer Healthcare Animal Health. In this role he provides support for Bayer’s equine products by interacting with veterinarians in various ways, including responding to technical questions or concerns. Prior to working as a technical veterinarian, Little spent 13 years in private practice focusing on equine and beef cattle.