Your Horse Spooked at What?
What spooks your horse? Here are some horses’ scariest encounters, as told by our readers.
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Pumpkin Decorations
Chantel Hooks' horse found this pumpkin decoration particularly spooky. | Photo: Chantel Hooks
Scary Blue Barrels
Blue barrels can be scary! "Sage couldn't figure out the same blue water barrel in the barnyard. It's there everyday all year long," said Chani Atrieadies. | Photo: Chani Atrieadies
Toy Horses
"My horse spooked at the terrifying mechanical toy horse. He was so disturbed when it didn't sniff back," said Jess Bowers. | Photo: Jess Bowers
Crunchy leaves are also scary subjects. Deborah Edwards said her friend's Morgan spooked at a leaf in the woods. "It's fall. Can't trust those dang leaves." | Photo: iStock
Animals That Don't Move
Nina sent in this photo of her horse, who found a roping dummy spooky. | Photo: Nina Schenk
Giant Spool
"This spool was upright, then I turned it on its side. When they were through snorting and prancing around, they stood around it all proud of themselves," said Evelyn. | Photo: Evelyn Garvey
Horses Wearing Fly Masks
Fly masks are apparently quite the spooky gear. "My horse has a full blown panic attack over a little pony wearing one of these," said Jacqueline Elaine. Another reader, Lisa O'Brien, said her horse spooked at two of his pasture mates wearing fly masks. "He was certain they were scary monsters," she said. | Photo: Jacqueline Elaine
Round Hay Bales
"A roll of hay, in the field she lives in, which gets delivered on a weekly basis," said Amy Willison. | Photo:
"After moving from Texas with my horse, Tess and having been around cattle, who would have ever thought she'd spook seeing a heifer," said June Mellinger. "But after thinking about it later that day, heifers do look a LOT different than longhorn!" | Photo: iStock
Plastic Bag
“A plastic bag filled with air and blew through a doorway towards my ground tied horse," said Susan Hacko. "(There was) a lot of snorting and jumping in place when it landed on his front legs.” | Photo: iStock
"My old steady Quarter Horse gelding wasn't afraid of anything--except umbrellas," said Aradia Diana Willard. "Once it was raining at a Pony Club rally and the steward had to tell all of the fence judges on the cross country course to put their umbrellas away before I started my ride." | Photo: iStockWhat spooks your horse? Here are some horses’ scariest encounters, as told by our readers.

The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care is an equine publication providing the latest news and information on the health, care, welfare, and management of all equids.
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