8 Ways to Be a Good Trail-Riding Buddy

We all want to be the kind of person other trail riders enjoy being around. Use these eight simple techniques to be a fun and safe riding buddy on the trail.
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8 Ways to be a Good Trail-Riding Buddy
Everybody in the group should get a chance to be in the front, middle, and back of the group if they so desire. Not only is it good manners, but it’s also a great way to ensure your horse learns to be comfortable in any pack position. | Photo: Kim McCarrel

You’re out on a pleasant trail ride with several other riders. Without a word, one of the riders suddenly urges her horse forward and gallops off down the trail. The left-behind horses frantically try to follow. The riders struggle to control their mounts. Pandemonium ensues.

This kind of thoughtless behavior on the trail is no fun to deal with and could cause someone to get seriously hurt. Clearly, leaving your fellow riders in the dust isn’t what you’d expect of a good riding buddy. “Never again!” you say to yourself. “I’ll never ride with her again!”

We all want to be the kind of person other trail riders enjoy being around. By using the eight simple techniques below, you can be a good riding buddy who is fun and safe to ride with on the trail

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Kim McCarrel is an avid trail rider and author whose guidebooks are “must-haves” for Pacific Northwest trail riders. She’s been mapping and writing about trails and horse camps since 2002. Her newest books are revised and updated editions of “Riding Central Oregon Horse Trails” and “Riding Southwest Washington Horse Trails.” McCarrel lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, Steve, two Portuguese water dogs, and a Tennessee Walking Horse mare named Tex.

2 Responses

  1. I have found that riding side by side can lead to dangerous situations on the trail; once while riding a new horse (friends),
    a lady on a small Arab rode up beside me, A short time later a deer (whitetail) jumped up causing my light draft to jump sideways, but for my quick response the Arab may have been crushed and her rider as well.

  2. I love these! It’s never fun to be scared or see someone else scared on the trail. Be kind and remember we were probably all there at one time. This is excellent advice, thanks 😊

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