Special Needs Nutrition

Research-Based Horse Feeding Considerations; tips for feeding horses; Old Horse eating hay in snow

5 Practical Research-Based Horse Feeding Considerations

It’s one of the most common questions an owner asks: What should I feed my horse? Equine nutritionists look both to research and their own experience to find an answer, but oftentimes the most appropriate one is, “Well, it depends.” Here are some points they might take into account.

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It’s All Connected: Bodywide Inflammation in Horses

Equine researchers have begun studying the concept of whole-body inflammation because of its links to a variety of health problems, including “leaky gut syndrome”; musculoskeletal injury risk; and equine metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and laminitis.

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lactating mare, broodmare, mare and foal

5 Tips for Feeding Lactating Mares

Lactating mares’ nutritional requirements increase drastically in order to maintain weight while providing nursing foals with enough critical nutrients.

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Feeding PPID Horses

Feeding Horses With Endocrine Disorders

Learn more about nutrition’s role in the development and management of equine endocrine disorders and how you can reduce your horse’s risk of developing a secondary disease.

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Feeding the Ulcer-Prone Horse

Common-Sense Equine Nutrition

Do all the supplements, concentrates, and forages on the market have you confused about what’s best to feed your horse? Learn what your horse really needs to eat from equine nutritionist and consultant, Dr. Clair Thunes.

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