Other Convention Reports


Colic Alarm Presented at Equine Science Society Meeting

Developed by a team at Utah State University, a proposed equine distress monitor system combines a tilt sensor, accelerometer, and wireless technology interfaced with a computer in order to alert horse owners to animals in distress. The tea

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Pastured Horses More Fit, Study Finds

Horses are better able to maintain fitness when turned out on large pasture, according to Patty Graham-Thiers, PhD, of Virginia Intermont College, Bristol, Va. She presented results of her recent study at the 2009 Equine Science Society

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Effects of Hay Carbs on PSSM Horses Examined

The study group’s objectives were to determine if there is a difference in blood glucose and insulin response to feeding hay types with varying water soluble sugar and starch (NSC) content between horses with PSSM and control horses.

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Euthanasia Drug Found in Carcass Compost

Composting is one option for disposing of a horse carcass after euthanasia. Researchers at West Texas A&M recently conducted a study to determine if residues of sodium pentobarbital might remain in compost as a potential environmental hazard

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