Equine Eye Problems 101
One serious eye condition is squamous cell carcinoma—a form of skin cancer. | Photo: Chelsey Miller
Eye problems are common in horses and can negatively impact training and quality of life. However, many issues can be prevented. Lucien Vallone, DVM, Dipl. ACVO, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, in College Station, provided some insight on preserving your horse’s vision.

“When dealing with eye infections, early intervention is important,” he said. “One way to help preserve your horse’s overall eye health is to report any changes in eye condition to a veterinarian immediately. A healthy eye should not have excessive tearing, squinting, or any ocular opacity that causes the eye to change from its normal coloration.”

Vallone said some eye infections, such as those of the cornea, can be caused by bacteria or fungi. Other serious eye conditions include ocular surface and eyelid tumors, the most common of which is include sarcoids and squamous cell carcinoma—a form of skin cancer.

Another common cause of eye problem is equine recurrent uveitis (ERU), a disease characterized by eye inflammation. Vallone said ERU damage is progressive and can lead to scarring within the eye, cataracts, glaucoma, and even blindness. This disease has no cure, but it can be treated by reducing the amount of inflammation in the eye, as needed

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